The governing Council of University of Maiduguri has confirmed the appointment of Mallam Ahmed Lawan as new registrar of the institution, the selection process for the new occupant of the office started months ago, following the expiration of the tenure of Alh. Tijani Bukar, immediate past registrar, who vacated office in January.
Before his replacement, the office was handed over to Alh. Ali Madagwe, to oversee.
The culmination of the processes was a sitting yesterday by the governing council of the university, to finalize the screening and selection of candidates.
Recalled that four candidates were in the contest, out of which sources say only three had turned up, Mr. Lawan, who is currently a deputy registrar and director of administration at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, emerged winner after the processes.
Mr. Lawan had previously made at least two unsuccessful attempts at the office.
The council is yet to issue any statement to the effect, even though it previously does that immediately after the selection process is completed.